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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

WolfSong Promotions & Amazon Lending Library

WolfSong has now gone onto the Kindle Owners lending library. The prime option means that kindle owners can borrow one book a month and read it free of charge if they own a kindle device. That includes the kindle fire, kindle touch, kindle keyboard and the plain old kindle.

Even better, the e-book will be available as a  free download on December 17 and December 26 of 2011, with a few more dates early in 2012.

Of course, if you want a physical book to love, cherish, and make cooing noises over, WolfSong is now available in that format too. It's the perfect size for swatting werewolves if they stick their nose in your Christmas stocking uninvited, so go on and treat yourself.

If you'd like to spoil yourself a bit more, Zazzle has Basement Blues, WolfSong and Blue Moon Detective Agency coffee mugs, shirts, and other merchandise, including a hooded sweatshirt I'm eyeing for myself.

Keep an eye out over the next couple days for some great give-aways on the 12 Days of Creepfest Blog Tour, which has just kicked off and promises to be a load of fun - I get to torture great folks like Jason McKinney and Mary over at Bloody Bookish. What more could a girl want over the festive season?

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