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Sunday, 4 December 2011

12 Days of Creepfest Blog Tour

The super awesome Rebecca Treadway has got me onto the Creepfest Blog Tour - keep an eye out for some awesome interviews and prizes across the tour!

I'll be giving away ARC copies of Die Laughing, the follow up to Basement Blues, as well as e-copies of Basement Blues and WolfSong.

Have a look around because there are some seriously awesome writers on the tour - the home page is here.

If I haven't made hysterical screaming fan noises about The Zombie Bible  or R.L. Treadway  yet you can spank me in the comments, and these are just two of the writers on the tour; so you know you're in for a quality ride. 


  1. For an ARC of Die Laughing I'll be checking it out for sure!

  2. Sweet! Looking forward to it - I've never done one of these before, & you wouldn't believe what I managed on a tech scale trying to sign up.Hopefully I don't do anything too evil during the tour itself. If I do I'm blaming Bad Santa..

  3. Hi James - thanks, I've emailed you - look forward to it!
