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Saturday, 17 December 2011

12 Days of Creepfest Giveaway

Creepfest is upon us, and my fellow blog hoppers are giving away some amazing prizes!

I'm giving away a couple of prizes:

1st prize : An ARC e-copy of Die Laughing, due for release in early 2012,  a Blue Moon Detectives t-shirt, a PDF of Basement Blues, and a PDF of WolfSong.
2nd prize : An ARC e-copy of Die Laughing and a PDF of Basement Blues or WolfSong
3rd prize : A PDF copy of Basement Blues

To enter, post in the comments below and let me know what you'd do if you could be Santa for a night. Would you give everyone their hearts desire - or would you give everyone what they deserve - and why?

While you're thinking about that, skip over to BloodyBookish and have a look at my idea of a Creepfest inspired Christmas village.

And don't forget to visit the other members of the Creepfest Blog hop; there are some brilliant prizes up for grabs, and the chance to discover some great new writers you may not already know about!


  1. Seems there are tons of organizations and such to help children and families, so I'd be the Dog Santa! I'd make sure all dogs had warm, safe, loving homes, necessary veterinary care, toys, grooming, and yummy treats! And if they were in neglectful or abusive homes, I'd magically transport them to people who will love and appreciate them and give them the wonderful life they deserve! (Long-time golden retriever and Great Pyrenees rescue volunteer, and seeing those unwanted dogs thrive in the right environment makes my Grinchy heart happy!)

  2. That is brilliant- I love it! I wish more folks thought like you.

  3. I'd have a couple of lists. The nice people that don't have enough, I'd give them gift certificates to pay all their bills until next year. The phucktards would get a zombie hand in their stocking and an admonishment that next year, if they don't straighten up and fly right, it'll be a Miley Cyrus CD.

    That'll teach 'em.

    Happy Creepfest! :)

  4. I like the idea of a couple of lists. Fair warning; I might have to steal that spelling of phucktard. I do think threatening with Miley Cyrus CD's is illegal under the Geneva Convention, though..

  5. Santa for a night...I'd send special Santa dust into the atmosphere that would trickle down all over the world and create a temporary peace (Santa dust is only a temporary fix)...

  6. People could get what they wanted but the idiot holiday drivers get 4 flat tires and holes in their engine blocks. It's such a pain to function normally around here during this season since people forget road courtesy during December.

    Seriously though the ARC is a super exciting prize and a Blue Moon Detective t-shirt would be pretty awesome as well.

  7. Julie - I like that one. Wish it was possible - and permanent!

    Scott - I know what you mean - really weird since it's supposed to be the goodwill season.

  8. If I were Santa for a night I would....
    Definately dump the Santa suit for a pair of thigh high red boots, a red velvet corset and a choker collar full of jingling bells then I would fly around the world in my sleigh with plush leather interior and sprinkle my feel good Santa dust so that come Christmas morning everyone woke up feeling good about themselves, thus wanting to give back to mankind. For in order to help change the world, one must first change themselves.. Merry Christmas!

  9. I'd prolly give all the good, nice people what they wanted, but I'd have fun toying with the naughty people.... The punishment would fit the crime so to speak, so if it was someone who was cruel to others, I would let those who picked on them seek revenge. It could get interesting and entertaining!

  10. T.K. - I have a red velvet corset - I'm now fantasizing about red thigh high boots. Mmmn. I think you've started a trend here.

    Bec - poetic justice. I like it. I like it a lot!
