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Monday 14 March 2011

Raising funds for Japan - calling all other Indie authors

The images from Japan are heartbreaking. For all the problems we might have, the majority of us still have homes, clothing, and access to food, water and medical supplies as needed.
Despite being one of the most resilient nations on the planet, Japan is going to need a lot of help over the next couple of months, if not years. Being cash poor, I can't afford to donate money.
What I can do, though, is donate every sale from WolfSong for the next week (maybe longer if I raise some decent funds) to the Red Cross fund.

So that's every cent of author profit from the sale of the e-book (tree version is still way off, I'm afraid), from every site it's on, once the sites have taken their cut. If you're an author and you'd like to join in, please do. It doesn't matter if it's for a couple of hours, days, or the full week - every little bit will help.
Give me a shout in the comments or the join the twitter feed #write4japan.

I'll post the stats and amount raised here next Sunday - let's get the ball rolling a bit.  I'm keeping the price as is, simply because there are a lot of people in the same financial situation - unable to donate the amounts you want to, but able to fork out between under a dollar (0.99c) or pound (0.71p)  a pop.

The links to all the sites are below: - £0.71 - $0.99
Smashwords - $0.99
Diesel  e-book store- $0.99
Sony e-book store - $0.99

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