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Friday 18 February 2011

WolfSong - first review on

Scott from Indie Book Blog was kind enough to review WolfSong and the review is posted on here.

It's my first ever review, and I was nervous.      

I read the review.

I read the review again.

Then I went to the kitchen and did a happy dance around LSH while making high pitched squealing noises.

Limped back to my room, (concrete floor + soft slippers = sore feet) and read the review again. Text messaged my folks (South Africa), my brother (Australia), friend (London).

Typed a couple of thank you's to Scott on the forum he started, as a direct response to the review, and on his blog (which I sincerely hope were coherent, because my brain was still doing back flips & giggling gently to itself) and decided to post this before crashing.

He gave me four stars (FOUR!! STARS!! OMGOMGOMG!!) and incredible feedback, both by e-mail and in the review.

Thanks to the feedback I'll be uploading a re-formatted version to kindle tomorrow - right now I'm so tired I'm having trouble focusing on the keyboard - and hopefully that issue is fixed. The other points he made (all valid) I'm going to do my best to fix in the next book.

He also gave a really good summary of the book; something I struggle to do, so I owe a huge thanks to him for that as well.

Mood: Happy, happy bunny!


  1. Thanks for supporting my blog as well. You deserved all of the stars and I would have given 4.5 if amazon had a half star rating system. Everyone go buy this book it's only .99 and worth every penny.

  2. Thanks Scott - I can't say how much that means.
